Monday, June 16, 2008

Ways to Reuse Plastic bags

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever has!"
- Margaret Meade

I confess....I have crossed the limits of procrastination. I have a room full of recycling material stored in for almost 3 years which I could never get rid of. I always wanted to buy that 99 cents HEB reusable grocery bags..finally have two of them..thanks to National Instruments free bag distribution on Earth day :) But its never too late to learn a few more tips on ways I can move towards my short term goal "Reuse plastic bags".

Its no economics that plastic bags are so cheap to produce, its no surprise that plastic bags are so sturdy, and its no discovery that they are plentiful. They sit balled up and stuffed into the one that hangs from the pantry door. They flap from trees. They float in the breeze. Sometimes they mask the street dogs. They clog roadside drains. They drift on high seas. They also fill sea turtle bellies.

What do we do with those plastic bags after all? Well here are few ways I use plastic bags.
  • Use as small trash can liners: I wont say that I use the bags for kitchen waste. They are too small to carry so much waste. But, definitely very easy replacement for bathroom bins, dry bins in your room and around the house. I would further recommend using grocery plastic bags for this purpose because they have limitations to be used as reuse material.
  • Shoe bags in your suitcase when traveling
  • Carry it in your suitcase when traveling to collect worn clothes.
  • Soft packing for shipping bags
  • Carry them next time you go shopping at the mall: I often use it when I go shopping for clothes, shoes, etc. No matter how "cool" looking brown paper bag the store offers I prefer reusing the plastic bag first. Only when I run out of plastic bags I go for paper bags.
  • Sometimes I take them back to the recycling bin at the grocery store
  • Nice sturdy plastic bags are very good for lining wet areas in your house like bathroom cabinet drawers
  • Use them as lunch bags: I definitely prefer plastic and not paper bag for this purpose because it lasts much longer and is very sturdy.
  • Store expensive clothes: Sometimes I use these bags to seal my exquisite clothes in them so that they remain intact.
  • If you own jute bags/cloth bags/ reusable bags then use them for your grocery shopping. If you do not own these then definitely carry nice sturdy bags you have collected from clothes shopping. If you ran out of these then go ahead and buy yourself a reusable bag.
  • Plastic bags can also be used to line your car trunks to avoid it getting dirty with your grocery. Well I know this is going little extreme but I then there are people who love to keep their car clean. Also if they are in your car trunk you can use it for shopping each time you are out.
Before you discard or even recycle another plastic bag consider reusing by trying at least some of these ideas which are convenient for you.Well these are the few ways I have tried reusing plastic bags. Please let me know if their are other ways it can be used.

1 comment:

Abhishek Ghuwalewala said...


Nice post. You are really passionate about reducing the use of plastic bags!